Thursday, April 23, 2009

Final Alice in Wonderland Update

Congratulations on a great show! Thank you to Pat, the dancers and parents for being positive participants in the production of Alice. This will be the final blog update until information is available for Nutcracker 2009!

  • If you would like to order a DVD please click on the link below, print the order form and mail it with your payment to Affinity Media. DVD Order Form
  • If you would like to order a photo CD there is still time. The CD includes still photos shot during the course of the production including performance photos. All groups were photographed. Many of you already purchased the still photos at the time you paid your participation fees. If you didn't but would like to purchase one now, they are available for $25, payable to PTB via check, PayPal (if you have a PayPal account, you can SendMoney to; if not, you would like a PayPal invoice, email me to request one).
  • If you lost OR found something during the production of Alice, please click on the link and fill out the form. We will try to match people with their belongings. Lost and Found
  • Please fill out the survey, click on link. We appreciate any comments or concerns that will help PTB become a better organization. Alice in Wonderland Survey

Friday, April 17, 2009

Alice in the News

Gold Country Media reporter Bridget Jones wrote a great article that was published in the Placer Herald 4/15 and the Folsom Telegraph. You can find it at; search for Alice. Kudos to Kent Cusick, who got a reporter into the studio for the first time in our 12 years and thanks Affinity Media for the great photos !

We also had a photo published in the Roseville Press Tribune that has had over 260 online views, and are in the calendar sections with photos for all the gold country media and sac bee online calendars.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

SHOW DETAILS!!! Thursday, April 16th

Friday Tech Rehearsal: Be at Whitney High School Theater at 5:50. Tech Rehearsal 6-10 , for the entire cast. No costume. We will try to let the younger dancers leave as soon as possible.

Saturday Cast Call at 11:00 Sunday Cast Call at 10:00 be signed in and ready to go. Come with hair done.

Bring 30 individually wrapped snacks to be sold for $1 at the concession stand. Thank you.

  1. Saturday 1:00 show Last names A-G.
  2. Saturday 4:00 show Last names H-L.
  3. Sunday 12:00 show Last names M-R.
  4. Sunday 4:00 show Last names S-W.

Fulfill Volunteer Service Hours. Be sure to arrive on time to the right place. See link for details.

Younger Dancer Classroom: Dinah, Little Alice, Little Mouse, Dancing Flowers, Door Mouse, Cards, Hedgehogs, Seahorses, Fish and Sea Maidens. Younger male dancers will be in a separate classroom.

Younger Dancer Classroom Procedures:

  1. Parents MUST sign dancer in and out of classroom. ONLY PARENTS ASSIGNED TO WORK IN CLASSROOM ARE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. NO SIBLINGS ARE ALLOWED IN CLASSROOM. Do not remove dancer from stage. Classroom parent will walk entire group back to the classroom.
  2. Dancers should BRING "outside" shoes that slip over dance shoes, natural make up sponge, quiet entertainment for the classroom and something to sit on in the classroom. No markers or messy activities. Put name on all items.
  3. Bring a NON greasy/messy snack and a water bottle. NO EATING IN COSTUMES OR CLASSROOM EVER! Costumes do not leave the theater. If something needs fixing or cleaning tell classroom parent.
  4. Please pick up dancer inbetween shows and feed them lunch, do NOT LEAVE Whitney High School.
  5. Bring concession treats for assigned show.

Older Dancer Classroom: Alice, Alice's mother, White Rabbit, Caterpillar, All Fairies, Cheshire Cat, Duchess, Cook, Mad Hatter, March Hare, Tweedle Dum and Dee, Red Queen, Lobsters.
Older Dancer Classroom Procedures:

  1. Be careful with costumes. NO EATING OR DRINKING in COSTUME or CLASSROOM. If costume needs fixing or cleaning tell costume mistress as soon as possible. Hang costume up when finished. Quick changes have someone ready to help you. If you lose a costume piece let someone know ASAP. Costumes must not leave theater. Wear deoderant. Be prepared if you have your period.
  2. Come prepared with hair done and makeup needed. Moms of younger fairies need to apply their dancers make up. This will be done in the hallway between the 2 classrooms. Mother's do not enter the classrooms. There is no room. When make up is finished please exit the hallway. PTB bought the white makeup for their eyes, and foundation. Every dancer should have a natural makeup sponge.
  3. Clean up after yourself.
  4. Bring concession treats for assigned show.
  5. Do not leave Whitney High School between shows.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2 update

  • Saturday: Costume Parade and Dress Rehearsal -- see the April 4-5 rehearsal posting for times. No makeup or jewelry. Performance hair (girls with a headpiece, 2 braids, criss-crossed and pinned flat along the nape of the neck; Everyone -- NO BANGS -- gel and pin them back). All costume pieces; hairpieces, tights, shoes, etc. Everything stored with the costumes will be available. We will have changing areas set up. The schedule is our best guess at timing -- thanks in advance for your patience. A reminder -- many hours of dedicated effort have gone into creating our wonderful costumes -- please treat them with great care and NO EATING IN COSTUME (ever).
  • Sunday: Entire Cast Non-Costume Rehearsal -- see the April 4-5 rehearsal schedule.
  • Please settle your PTB accounts (invoices and statements previously emailed). Email if you need another copy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thursday, March 25 Update

  • Rehearsal Schedule Changes for this Weekend: Rehearsals begin at 1:30 BOTH Sat and Sun (the first group's rehearsal is shortened), Bows Rehearsal added for the ENTIRE CAST Sunday 4 pm
  • Saturday, Publicity Appearance at The Fountains 11:30 am -- Invite your friends to come and watch
  • Sunday, 12:00, Fairies makeup session

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday, March 19th Update

  • Dancing Flowers need to come to rehearsal with their show hair: two braids and pinned criss cross at the nape of the neck in back, so that they can practice in their headpieces.

  • There will NOT be rehearsal on April 11th or 12th -- Easter weekend. Keep up the great work.

  • We will hold the dress parade and dress rehearsal the weekend of April 4th-5th. The updated schedule is posted.

  • This weekend, March 21-22, moves us into the last 3 rehearsals before the performances where no more conflicts are allowed without advance approval. No conflicts are allowed April 4-5.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, March 12th Update

  • There are no rehearsal schedule changes for this week.

  • See Debbie for your Nutcracker photo CD

  • Have you bought your ticket yet? Ask your friends too!