Friday Tech Rehearsal: Be at Whitney High School Theater at 5:50. Tech Rehearsal 6-10 , for the entire cast. No costume. We will try to let the younger dancers leave as soon as possible.
Saturday Cast Call at 11:00 Sunday Cast Call at 10:00 be signed in and ready to go. Come with hair done.
Bring 30 individually wrapped snacks to be sold for $1 at the concession stand. Thank you.
- Saturday 1:00 show Last names A-G.
- Saturday 4:00 show Last names H-L.
- Sunday 12:00 show Last names M-R.
- Sunday 4:00 show Last names S-W.
Fulfill Volunteer Service Hours. Be sure to arrive on time to the right place. See link for details.
Younger Dancer Classroom: Dinah, Little Alice, Little Mouse, Dancing Flowers, Door Mouse, Cards, Hedgehogs, Seahorses, Fish and Sea Maidens. Younger male dancers will be in a separate classroom.
Younger Dancer Classroom Procedures:
- Parents MUST sign dancer in and out of classroom. ONLY PARENTS ASSIGNED TO WORK IN CLASSROOM ARE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. NO SIBLINGS ARE ALLOWED IN CLASSROOM. Do not remove dancer from stage. Classroom parent will walk entire group back to the classroom.
- Dancers should BRING "outside" shoes that slip over dance shoes, natural make up sponge, quiet entertainment for the classroom and something to sit on in the classroom. No markers or messy activities. Put name on all items.
- Bring a NON greasy/messy snack and a water bottle. NO EATING IN COSTUMES OR CLASSROOM EVER! Costumes do not leave the theater. If something needs fixing or cleaning tell classroom parent.
- Please pick up dancer inbetween shows and feed them lunch, do NOT LEAVE Whitney High School.
- Bring concession treats for assigned show.
Older Dancer Classroom: Alice, Alice's mother, White Rabbit, Caterpillar, All Fairies, Cheshire Cat, Duchess, Cook, Mad Hatter, March Hare, Tweedle Dum and Dee, Red Queen, Lobsters.
Older Dancer Classroom Procedures:
- Be careful with costumes. NO EATING OR DRINKING in COSTUME or CLASSROOM. If costume needs fixing or cleaning tell costume mistress as soon as possible. Hang costume up when finished. Quick changes have someone ready to help you. If you lose a costume piece let someone know ASAP. Costumes must not leave theater. Wear deoderant. Be prepared if you have your period.
- Come prepared with hair done and makeup needed. Moms of younger fairies need to apply their dancers make up. This will be done in the hallway between the 2 classrooms. Mother's do not enter the classrooms. There is no room. When make up is finished please exit the hallway. PTB bought the white makeup for their eyes, and foundation. Every dancer should have a natural makeup sponge.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Bring concession treats for assigned show.
- Do not leave Whitney High School between shows.